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Re: [hobbit] Client data available & bb-hostsvc.sh

I double-checked my conf.d/hobbit.conf and it does have the correct settings. And, lo and behold without me changing anything, today the client data available links work properly again. I think its a random occurence, like when the "info", status does the same thing.


Mike Arnold wrote:
Charles Jones wrote:
Whenever I click the "client data available" link, instead of seeing the
client data, I am prompted to download a file called "bb-hostsvc.sh". I
searched the archive and saw someone else mention this, but no resolution?


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I would have to assume your webserver was mis-configured. Assuming you use apache, and assuming you use the hobbit-apache.conf that provides these settings:

ScriptAlias /hobbit-cgi/ "/usr/libexec/hobbit/cgi-bin/"
<Directory "/usr/libexec/hobbit/cgi-bin">
    AllowOverride None
    Options ExecCGI Includes
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

I would think you may have a stray MIME setting somewhere.  Check for
DefaultType, AddHandler, or AddType in your http.conf setting *.sh to