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Hobbit_perl_client 1.11 is out :D

As usual just some changelog...
Most of the work is on beastat.pl to make it work with 9.x of Weblogic
Some big work also on the netapp.pl script, It's now possible to check
many things related to the newest/oldest snapshot in snaplistand to
snapmirror like the size, the lag time, various Errors, existance of
snapshot. There are also some new graphs for the snaplist and snapmirror
tests (usefull to understand how data is changing on your volumes).

Hobbit_fd_lib.pm 1.11 (general library)
- Added an option to all the configuration files
(netapp/dbcheck/beastat) to let 
  Hobbit users decide what column to check for the connection test
(default conn) or if 
  the connection test is to be skipped
- Added hobbitgraph.cfg graphs definition into the patch (it got out the
last time)
- Added changes to hobbitserver.cfg into the patch (it got out the last
- The hobbit patch now check if in the page there's a
<!--linecount=xx--> tag and if it's
  available it will take the linecount from there for multigraph
- Added definition of NCV_mysqlperf into the patch for MySQL server
graphs (you need to change
  the mysqlthread and mysqlslow definition to point to the right rrd to
get the graphs).
- Varios bug fixed

Beastat 1.04
- Corrected a bug reporting an error while configuring the beastat.pl
- Corrected a problem with BEA WLS 9.x (now it works)
- Corrected some problems with java error reporting
- jdk and weblogicjar options in beastat.ini can now be configured under
each domain 
  to let beastat.pl work with weblogic.jar 8.x (jdk1.4) and weblogic.jar
9.x (jdk1.5)
- Added a method to check one attribute value with a % value of another
attribute value
- Added the possibility to divide graphs generated patching hobbit in
more graphs like
  the disk ones
- Many other little fixes

DBcheck 1.05
- Removed the first line in the mysqlperf check so that the data can be
graphed via
  hobbit ncv module

NetApp 1.07
- Corrected a bug with disk space report on data Ontap <7.0 where there
are no aggregates
- rshcmd config option can now be defined per host
- completely rewritten the snaplist check. It's now possible to check
newest and oldest 
  snapshot for size/time they was last updated. It can report if volums
don't have 
  any snapshot or if they have and you don't want them
- completely rewritten the snapmirror check. It will now report transfer
errors and you 
  can define if you want to be alerted if snapmirror are broken or in
quiesce status. 
  It's also possible to check for the last mirror lag and size
- added data for snaplist and snapmirror so that they can generate rrd
files and graphs
- added an option to skip the sysconfig -c tests
- some bug fix on the environment status reporting (thanks to Tadd