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RE: [hobbit] Hobbit upgrade process question

Hobbit works very hard to honor any changes that you have made.  I think
you will find that this type of upgrade is more trouble than it is
worth.  (I did this first myself and had the same problems).
Another approach to consider is this:
a) restore your old directories, make sure the old hobbit is working
b) stop the old hobbit
c) rename the server and client directories.  make a backup copy of the
data directory
d) install new Hobbit as a new install, and start it up.
e) move the files over that you KNOW need to move over, like bb-hosts,
f) manually diff/merge your other files in server/etc with the new
g) update any web pages you might have changed
As you work through the changes, you will end up with the new features
and any customizations you have made that are still relevant.  It only
took me a couple of hours, and I had added a lot of custom graphs and
changed the "skins" a little.


	From: Maschino, Shawn (GE Indust, Plastics)
[mailto:Shawn.Maschino (at) ge.com] 
	Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 12:27 PM
	To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
	Subject: [hobbit] Hobbit upgrade process question
	    Hi all.  I was running Hobbit 4.1.2 on a Red Hat Linux
server, and tried to upgrade to 4.2.0.  Since I didn't see any
documentation on doing the upgrade, I stopped Hobbit and Apache, backed
up my current configs and files, and ran the install process for 4.2.0
to be placed in the same location 4.1.2 was running.
	    Everything seemed to work, at the bottom of the screen I now
see "Hobbit Monitor 4.2.0 <http://hobbitmon.sourceforge.net/> " as the
version, but none of the new menus or options are appearing.  For
instance under "Views" I still have "NK View", not critical systems
view.  NK View still goes to the bbnk.html page, not the new cgi
scripts.  The cgi files are in the cgi-bin directory, just no menu items
or links to them.  If I directly go to them they seem to work fine.
	    Does anyone know where I may have gone wrong on this?