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Re: [hobbit] host names not displayed in metrics report CGI

I am currently experiencing the exact same problem as described below (no host names showing), and the same workaround makes them display again (appending "?pagepattern=.*" to the URL). I'm not sure when it started happening, except that I know it was working in the past, because I reported that problem with having duplicate hostnames and we got that fixed.


Henrik Stoerner wrote:

On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 04:53:31PM -0400, Tom Georgoulias wrote:

Could you try changing your menu item to point at
and see if that changes anything?

That worked. Host list looks good and the script works.

Sounds like Hobbit might have some problem with getting the cookie data right. Just for me, could you change your menu setting back to what it was, and in the ~hobbit/cgi-bin/hobbit-hostgraphs.sh add the line

  echo "$HTTP_COOKIE" >/tmp/cookie.txt

just before the "exec .." line ? From your browser then go to
the hostgraphs page and send me the /tmp/cookie.txt file which
gets generated.