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Re: [hobbit] CPU graphs from Windows clients shown as load average not percent utilization

On Thu, Aug 31, 2006 at 11:42:28AM +0100, Quentin White wrote:
> All my Windows clients (using BBNT.exe) and my netapp filer are report
> CPU in percentage, eg.
> filer:   		Thu Aug 31 11:22:19 BST 2006 - up: 60 days,
> 23:18 CPU Usage= 12%
> windows server:   Thu Aug 31 11:24:41 GDT 2006 [xxxxxxxx] up: 21 days, 1
> users, 52 procs, load=87%, PhysicalMem: 2048MB(56%)
> However, on the CPU column the graph being used is for load average.  It
> graphs correctly so for the example above the graph would plot at 0.87
> load (max being 1.0).

That's correct. The reason for it is entirely historical - the old Big
Brother system only tracked the load average value, so that is what went
on the cpu status display.

> My question is how to specify that I want certain hosts be have their
> CPU graphed as a percentage rather than load average?  Does hobbit have
> a % graph already in hobbitgraph.cfg (maybe la1)??

It depends on the client software running on your servers. If you're
using the Big Brother client, then by default it doesn't report the
"vmstat" data that is needed to provide a %-value for the cpu
utilisation. The Hobbit client does, and uses this for the "la1" graph.

The answer to your question is that you cannot currently get the %-cpu
graph on the "cpu" status column. You *can* get it into the "trends"
column by adding "TRENDS:*,la:la1" to the host entry in bb-hosts. This
replaces the normal "la" graph with the "la1" graph. But alas, only on
the "trends" page.

It is something that will be improved. I think the 4.3 release is
beginning to look like the big UI improvement release.
