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New Feature Request: Getting file from client/etc hobbit-clients directory...

A centralized monitor system is really a nice thing to have but it could
be also a nice feature to be able to get files from clients just like
the client could get files in the etc directory of hobbit server...

Writing the database and weblogic clients I've put in options to include
other configuration files in the main config file for those clients.
This was a feature needed by my database administrator and sap
administrator group (will also be used by my weblogic administrators) so
that each of them can edit their warning/alert levels without having to
go through a big config file or affecting others database warning/alert
level. For now i'm getting the file manually but it could be nice if the
server could get files from the clients (limited for example to the
client/etc directory for security reason) just like the client do with
the server...
