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Where are all the reports going?

Hi all,

I have an interesting problem, on of our servers running our own
script(not really important for the problem) stopped working properly (a
false positive due to the script) I went on the box and stopped hobbit
replaced the script with one that does work (it is running on one of our
other servers) then started hobbit (/usr/local/hobbit/client/runclient
--hostname=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx start) when I ran the status after this it
said it was not running so I ran ps and found the processes were there,
so I killed them off and tried again, same result so I killed them off
changed the hostname to the fully qualified domain name and started
hobbit, success-ish the status reports it is running and no ghost
reports on the server, the only problem is all the tests from that
script are coming back purple, yet I haven't changed clientlaunch etc.

Conn cpu disk etc. etc. work just not that one script, which is arguably
the most important :) so I guess help is in order because I'm stumped
