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Re: [hobbit] Gnokii and Hobbit

On 8/20/06, Henrik Stoerner <henrik (at) hswn.dk> wrote:
On Sun, Aug 20, 2006 at 07:34:58AM +0200, Michael Magua wrote:
> In hobbit-alerts.cfg I have:
> HOST=mail
>     MAIL admin (at) domain.com REPEAT=20 SERVICE=smtp
> #SCRIPT /usr/local/bin/smsalert FORMAT=SMS
> #SCRIPT echo "$BBALPHAMSG" | gnokii --sendsms <cell number> FORMAT=SMS
> Both of those script calls are commented out as I was trying various
> things. Here is my /usr/local/bin/smsalert:
> #!/bin/sh
> echo "$BBALPHAMSG" | gnokii --sendsms <cell number>

Your SCRIPT command is partially wrong; the "recipient" parameter is
missing. This is typically the phone-number for the SMS recipient.
If you don't want to use it, just put some dummy value there. This
parameter is passed to the script as $RCPT.

I tested it myself, and found two possible problems:

1) Make sure the "hobbit" user can access the serial port. In my
   setup, the user must be in the "dialout" group to access the
   /dev/ttyS0 file (the serial port device); check the file
   permissions on your serial device.

2) gnokii complains if the message test is more than 160 characters.
   Change your script command to
      echo "${BBALPHAMSG:0:160}" | gnokii --sendsms "$RCPT"

If you still have problems, the ~hobbit/server/logs/page.log has the
output from the script commands, so you should check that for

Regards, Henrik


I have no clue why this still isn't working!

Now in hobbit-alerts.cfg I have:

SCRIPT /usr/local/bin/smsalert FORMAT=SMS

And /usr/local/bin/smsalert is:

echo "${BBALPHAMSG:0:160}" | gnokii --sendsms 012345678

Where 012345678 is my cellnumber. Permissions are fine because user
hobbit can send an sms via the command line by doing `echo "hello" |
gnokii --sendsms 012345678`. I then get an sms.