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Re: [hobbit] Webpage with patches for 4.2.0

On 8/14/06, Henrik Stoerner <henrik (at) hswn.dk> wrote:
Don't know if everyone is aware of it, but I maintain a webpage
with a summary of the known issues in 4.2.0 that have been
discussed here on the mailing list, and links to the patches that
I have produced since the release.

So the first place to go if you have problems with 4.2.0 is this page:


I see there are 7 links to patches. I downloaded but not upgraded my hobbit server to 4.2.0 yet. Should I need to add these patches?

There's also a link from the "Hobbit projects" menu on the demo-site.

So far I am very pleased with the number of bug reports after the 4.2.0 release. There's been 385 downloads of that release from sourceforge until now, and with only 5 bugs reported it looks to be pretty good for a dot-oh release.

So you've all done a good job with the pre-release testing.

Regards, Henrik

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Asif Iqbal
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