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Re: [hobbit] log file monitoring issues

Hmm.  Any ideas why the following wouldn't work?

ignore upsd* Client|Connection
ignore session opened|closed for user mailman|root

The "full log" output is still showing those lines.  Could it be the
same reason I wasn't seeing any data at all on the other servers; that
is, the log file just hasn't been updated, and it's still showing
those from previous lines?  If so, is there a way I could tell Hobbit
to clear the existing data?

On 8/11/06, Henrik Stoerner <henrik (at) hswn.dk> wrote:
On Fri, Aug 11, 2006 at 11:54:45AM -0400, Gary B. wrote:
> Now if I can just get my "ignore" lines to work properly, I'll be all
> set.  When using regular expressions on the "ignore" lines, do you
> need to surround them as %"" like with regexes in hobbit-alerts.cfg
> and such?

No, the strings in client-local.cfg are always treated as regular

Regards, Henrik

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