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RE: [hobbit] Oratns

Hi Henrik

Yes, it is my experience that you only have one listener per server, and
it can handle multiple databases.
However, here, and in my previous company, they have 2 separate listener
instances when running Oracle Financials.
The database has a listener, and the applications also have a listener.
Two separate instances on two separate ports.
In the case of the one server, they have no less than 6 listener
instances running, on 6 different ports.
Configuring separate listener tests as below may be the only way to go
at this point.

Sadly, this may all be a waste of time.
I am growing weary of fighting all the politics to get Hobbit in as a
monitoring system, and am on the verge of giving up the fight.


-----Original Message-----
From: Henrik Stoerner [mailto:henrik (at) hswn.dk] 
Sent: Wednesday, 2 August 2006 3:26 PM
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: Re: [hobbit] Oratns

On Wed, Aug 02, 2006 at 09:36:28AM +0800, Everett, Vernon wrote:

> How do I make it check for more than one Oracle listener?
> For reasons unknown to me, we are running multiple listeners on 
> separate ports on a server.

I'm surprised - I thought you could not have more than one tns listener
per system. Oh well - I don't know one bit about Oracle DB; I've only
worked with their J2EE application server.

The problem with it is that even though you can put multiple "oratns"
tests into the bb-hosts file, each of them will cause a separate status
message. So what you'll see on the Hobbit display is the result of only
one of the tests.

My best suggestion is to copy the [oratns] section in bb-services so you
have [oratns], [oratns1], [oratns2] and so up to the number of listeners
you have on a single host. Then you can define them with their
respective port numbers in the bb-hosts file, like	name.domain.com # oratns1:1545 oratns2:1546

Then there will be separate status columns for each of the listeners.


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