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[feature request] Dynamic or Split NCV


at my company we tend to graph just anything. As long as we were with
larrd (written in Perl), we could trick the grapher to accept
ever-changing list of data source my making a rrd file for each data,
holding one DS per file and looping over patterns.

With hobbit, we have a nice NCV semi-automatic way of graphing things.

But I want to trend, say, the number of mysql connections per user (at) host :

status databaseserver.int.cvf.sqlcnx green

foo (at) appserver01.int.cvf on content = 2
foo (at) appserver02.int.cvf on content = 4
statinjector (at) appserver02.int.cvf on stats = 1
statreader@@backendserver01.int.cvf on stats = 31
bar@@backendserver01.int.cvf on traces = 3
bar@@backendserver02.int.cvf on traces = 4

I can't do it with NCV, because if I add a new appserver03, it won't
make have its slot in the rrd file.

So I'd like to see something like (S for Split or Single) :

SNCV_sqlcnx="/.+ on .+/:GAUGE" that would yield :

/usr/hobbit/data/rrd/~$ ls databaseserver.int.cvf/
sqlcnx.foo (at) appserver01.int.cvf_on_content.rrd
sqlcnx.foo (at) appserver02.int.cvf_on_content.rrd
(and so on)

Since I really need it, I can always try to add this into hobbit. Would
it be possible to implement it as a new channel or it has to be into the
code rrd handling ?

Charles Goyard - cgoyard (at) cvf.fr - (+33) 1 45 38 01 31