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SV: [hobbit] BBWin 0.7 available

Hello Etienne

I have installed the new Hobbitclient on a 2003 server, but I can't get it to run - the service stops by it self. I can see, that the operating system doesn't include Win2003, but...?

Regards, Jan

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Etienne Grignon [mailto:etienne.grignon (at) gmail.com]
Sendt: 31. maj 2006 08:33
Til: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Emne: Re: [hobbit] BBWin 0.7 available

Hi Franck,

2006/5/30, Frank M. Ramaekers <FRamaekers (at) ailife.com>:
> ...and in the configuration file (to override either/both)?

Of course. Configuration file will be able to override the registry
setting and will handle environments variables.



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