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RE: NCV variable for custom RRD's

Thanks for this info, i'm still using 4.1.2, so i know how to fix it.

I still have two questions about this NCV system :
- Is it possible to define a graph in hobbitgraph.cfg for rrd files with
"variable" datasets. By example when i send status messages for
different temperature sensors of a network switch (chassis, power
supply, ...) the data in the (single) rrd looks good whith the different
ds names. So if it is possible to just graph all the existing datasets
in the rrd, i can use a single rrd-config for the temperature of
different switchen, servers, ..., otherwise i need a different
"temp"-testname for all the different devices.

- How can i send graph data to hobbit for a "cpu" test for switches. Can
this send by using a status message, or do i need to send a data message
(like hobbitclient)? If it must be with a data message, i found in de
man pages  "data HOSTNAME.DATANAME<newline><additional text>", what is
the DATANAME for the cpu data, and is there a minimum data that must be
send ([date],[uname],[uptime],..). I know i can just rename the "cpu"
test to something else, but "cpu" says it all :-)

Kind regards,

On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 12:01:43PM +0200, Ivan Verbeeck wrote:
> I recently added a custom test to our hobbit setup that will use the
> format for the rrd graph. The only problem that i noticed is the
> to use wildcards in the NCV_test variable to define the "default"
> dataset type. When i specify all the datasets in the environment
> variable and set them to GAUGE (wich i need for my test), it all works
> fine, but if i use the "*:GAUGE" in this variable the rrd is generated
> with datasets of the "DERIVE" type.
> Anyone a idea what can be wrong?

The wildcard thing is only available in the 4.2 alfas or the latest
snapshot. If you're using 4.1.x then it is not implemented there.
