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Re: [hobbit] mysql graphing ---it should not be this hard

Tom Georgoulias wrote:

I've been attempting to get the bb-mysqlstat.sh script from deadcat.net to collect mysql status data from a DB client, using the Hobbit NCV module, and I'm stuck. I can't believe how hard such a seemingly simple task ended up being, and I'm still don't have it working right.

Well, writing that email must've helped me get my thoughts straight, because I have it working now.

- I have the bb-mysqlstat.sh script running on the client and the status reports are being displayed under the "mysql" column. No graphs yet, just a link for one named "hobbit graph ncv:mysql"

Fixed after I created a mysql graph def for queries/second and named it [mysql].

- I've added "mysql:mysqlslow,mysqlthread: to my GRAPHS:* entry in bb-hosts.

This is wrong. Should've been mysql:mysqlslow|mysqlthread

The NCV_mysql="Uptime:NONE,Queriespersecondavg:GAUGE" instructs hobbit to drop the uptime value, which it does, but I'm also missing Queriespersecondavg. In addition, it appears that the data in the rrd file for each of the variables is incorrect. If I had to guess, I suspect the NCV module is either mangling it because of the data format, or that the status report is sent in by the bb-mysqlstat.sh script is on a single line (instead of using newline characters after each value). I've search the mailing list archives and no one has mentioned changing the script output format.

I went ahead and modified the client side script to use a newline after each name:value pair, and changed my to:

With these changes in place, removing the old mysql.rrd file, and a restart of of hobbit, graphs are working now. If anyone sees a potential problem with what I did in NCV_mysql, let me know before I gather too much inaccurate data in my rrd file! :)
