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RE: [hobbit] Problem with custom graphs

I had this happen, with me it was due to a cdrom being mounted at
somepoint and monitored and the rrd was still in place and messing up
the zoom. 

Hope this helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: thomas.seglard.enata (at) cnp.fr [mailto:thomas.seglard.enata (at) cnp.fr] 
Sent: 22 May 2006 11:37
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: [hobbit] Problem with custom graphs


I've got a strange behaviour when I want to zoom a graph. I got the zoom

but... from another filesystems !! I'm pasting two images : one before
zoom and one after. I have a lot of filesystems on this system, could it

be the cause ? I don't think, because I got another system with several
and this doesn't happen !
I'm running hobbit V4.1.2p1 and my client runs on hpux 11i (11.11).
Best regards,


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