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Re: [hobbit] multiple network testers

Thanks Henrik!

It's the latter and it works fine!!!

Now I know that Hobbit does not look at settings like BBDISPLAY etc.
in the bb-hosts file; it uses the values from the
hobbitserver.cfg-file, so on AH you must enter the IP adresses of the
HS! Thanks to the debug-option and the log-file that told me what was
going on :-)



A very tiny bb-hosts containing hosts to be tested with the specific
oratns and ssh test:

xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx  system1    # oratns:1527 ssh
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxy  system2    # oratns:1527 ssh


2006/5/21, Henrik Stoerner <henrik (at) hswn.dk>:
On Sun, May 21, 2006 at 08:26:43AM +0200, Peter Welter wrote:
> Currently I find it difficult to solve the problem that I have with
> one Hobbit-Server (HS) that tests my entire network, but... there are
> some firewall setups that prevent me from testing the ssh- or
> oratns-specific stuff.
> I do have Another Host (let's say AH; now just running  a Hobbit
> client) that can run the ssh and oratns test.
> Is it possbile to have this host, AH, test these specific ssh- and
> oratns-tests and put the result back to my one and only Hobbit server
> so it show up on one display?

You can have as many hosts doing network tests as you like; as long as
they report to the same Hobbit server, the results will be merged

I'm not sure if your setup is such that you can perform all network tests
for a given host from one Hobbit network test-system, or if you must
split the testing so that "conn" tests run from one host, and "oratns"
tests run from another.

If it's the first, then you can use the "NET:..." tags in the bb-hosts
file to split the network tests between the two Hobbit systems. If it's
the latter, then you will have to hand-craft a specific bb-hosts file
for the AH system with just the ssh- and oratns-tests.

Regards, Henrik

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