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Re: [hobbit] /data/logs directory

On Wed, May 10, 2006 at 02:49:39PM -0000, Sigurður Bjarnason wrote:

> In the old days when I was using the Big Brother monitoring server I 
> always got some files to the /data/logs directory. 

That was the Big Brother way of storing data. Hobbit keeps all of the
current status logs in memory - unless you explicitly ask it to store
them on disk by running the hobbitd_filestore module.

> Since I begun to use Hobbit I have never seen any files there.... 
> Witch is causing me some trouble on custom made script I wrote when 
> using Big Brother, then I got files to this directory, example 
> file1 and file2 and I could compare the two, now ..I just get files to 
> /data/hist and histlogs with timestamp in the name and that files I cannot 
> use..!

Either enable the [bbstatus] task in your hobbitlaunch.cfg file - this
causes the data/logs/ directory to be updated with the current status
logs like BB; or change your script to fetch the status messages you
need.  I would recommend changing your script ... 

To grab a status log from Hobbit, use the command
   bb "hobbitdlog host=HOSTNAME test=COLUMNNAME"
The first line of the output is a summary line, after which comes the
raw status log.
