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Re: [hobbit] ShellExecute api call

On Mon, May 08, 2006 at 12:37:59PM -0400, Jeffcoat, Al wrote:
> I've got a programmer here trying to send a status message to hobbit
> from a windows machine.  He's having a problem executing the bb code.  I
> myself am not a programmer, so I figured I'd pass on his e-mail and see
> if anyone else knows the answer to his problem.
> There is a problem doing this from within a program. The shellexecute
> function requires you to pass the program name and parameters seperate.
> program = "bb.exe" 
> parameters = "hobbit status kn306109.dtr-status red
> <center>DTR-STATUS</center><br>Last Failure = 05/04/20 06 00:00:01 Last
> Success = 05/08/2006 00:00:01<br>Copies = 50"

I suspect some sort of quoting is needed to pass this as the two
parameters bb.exe expects - first the IP/hostname of the server, then
the actual status message.

I browsed through the MSDN site, and came across the docs for the
ShellExecuteEx function - at the bottom there is an example of 
how to quote parameters. Perhaps this applies to ShellExecute 
as well:

    To include double quotation marks in lpParameters, enclose each 
    mark in a pair of quotation marks, as in the following example.

        sei.lpParameters = "An example: \"\"\"quoted text\"\"\"";

    In this case, the application receives three parameters: An,
    example:, and "quoted text".


Obviously, bb.exe doesn't want the quotes, but perhaps it should be done
parameters = "hobbit \"status kn306109.dtr-status red <center>DTR-STATUS</center><br>Last Failure = 05/04/20 06 00:00:01 Last Success = 05/08/2006 00:00:01<br>Copies = 50\""
