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Re: [hobbit] RE : [hobbit] dns query failed?

In <A10E03C9E3F97E4CB33471F96A6F6BEE01AC493B (at) EXC2K02CLU.mgen.fij> "FIGARO Nicolas" <nfigaro (at) effigie.fr> writes:

>You should have some infos in the logfile. (bb-network.log)
>Add a --debug to this line and restart hobbit for more infos :
>       CMD bbtest-net --report --ping --checkresponse

>Run hobbit.sh reload afterwards and check the bb-network.log. 

If you only need to run bbtest-net once to get the debug output,
you can do it by hand through the "bbcmd" utility:

   bbcmd bbtest-net --report --ping --checkresponse --debug

To get the failing DNS lookup, look for a "DNS lookup failed" 
