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Re: [hobbit] MEMSWAP test always red

Here is the result:

hobbit (at) hobbit1:~/server/bin> ./bbcmd hobbitd_client --test
2005-08-16 07:00:39 Using default environment file /home/hobbit/server/etc/hobbitserver.cfg
Hostname (.=end, ?=dump, !=reload) []: gonotessmtp
Test (cpu, mem, disk, proc): mem
Phys: Yellow at 100, red at 101
Swap: Yellow at 50, red at 80
Act.: Yellow at 90, red at 97

Here's the specification in hobbit-clients.cfg from ~/server/etc on the server:

        MEMSWAP 100 101

Henrik Stoerner wrote:
On Mon, Aug 15, 2005 at 09:15:23PM -0500, Rich Smrcina wrote:

If I want to ignore a full swap area can I specify MEMSWAP 100 101?

That's the idea, yes. Should work ... just tried it here, and it
seems to work OK.

Could you try running "bbcmd hobbitd_client --test" and inputting the
hostname you see this with, and then "mem" to check the memory settings?


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-- Rich Smrcina VM Assist, Inc. Main: (262)392-2026 Cell: (414)491-6001 Ans Service: (360)715-2467 rich.smrcina at vmassist.com

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