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RE: [hobbit] graph compare

Here is an example of graph-compare/cross-link feature
er.sfu.ca> &host=fraser.sfu.ca
Load Average Trends:
rly> All hosts
Host fraser.sfu.ca Trends:
raph=hourly> All services 

Host fraser.sfu.ca Timespans:
raph=minute> minute
raph=daily> daily
raph=weekly> weekly
raph=monthly> monthly 
Load Average Trends Timespans:
ute> minute
ly> daily
kly> weekly
thly> monthly  
Can Henrick/someone-else  implement this useful feature?
Another nice feature would be allowing the height and width of images to
specified as CGI parameters.


From: Jason Lee [mailto:jason.lee (at) flytxt.com] 
Sent: 31 July 2005 19:15
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: RE: [hobbit] graph compare

The cross host graph linking of bb/butter was really nice (it really was a
tastier healthier version of laard). I would really like to see this type of
cross linking in hobbit/rrd. 
Another nice feature would be allowing the height and width of images to
specified as CGI parameters.


From: Olivier Beau [mailto:olivier (at) qalpit.com] 
Sent: 31 July 2005 13:01
To: hobbit (at) hswn.dk
Subject: [hobbit] graph compare

Hi Henrik

i'm sure this question was asked before, but cant find it in the archive..

under bb/larrd, i used to compare graphs from differents hosts, with
(mainly to see that load-balancing was done correctly..)

is there a way to do this under hobbit ?
if not, no problem; but it'll be nice to have this feature one day :)

actually, i think the display should be done a different way than with
larrd-graphs.cgi :
could it be possible (and not to hard to code) to display several DS from
different host on the same graph ?
(so i could really easy compare for example the cpu load of different host..
using LINE and not AREA fo course..)

Olivier Beau