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Re: [hobbit] Current development plans

The primary reason I switch to hobbit over bigbrother and nagios is
performance. I am monitoring 300 plus server's with an average of 7
services per server with a total of more than 2000 host.service.

I had been using bigbrother for almost 4 years and nagios for a year or
so. I am never going back. I also do not like to see bbcentral since
same reason that Henrik said, way too much overload for my server. Plus
ssh communication w/ rsa key depends on rsa key and dns. So if the hosts
rsa key changed and/or dns for the hosts local domain stop working ssh
will timeout. I definitely like all systems working together and
push/pull method and instead of just pull using bbcentral.

I guess the ack part of hobbitd can wait while a hobbit client grows. I
like to test a hobbit client when ready.

Henrik, please enjoy summer while it lasts :-). Also thanks again for a
monitoring tool that really performs well.

Asif Iqbal
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