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Re: [hobbit] zoom-in feature for graphs doesn't work for safari browser

No open option, just a download option. :(

On Jun 3, 2005, at 10:15 AM, Henrik Stoerner wrote:

On Fri, Jun 03, 2005 at 09:47:43AM -0400, Lee J. Imber wrote:

Zoom works for me fine with Safari in Tiger.

What doesn't work are some of the reports.

When I try to generate a availability report or a snapshot report I
get a download dialog box like it wants to download a file called bb-

This is also true on IE on mac (yuk).

Although Firefox works just fine.

Since report generation can take some time, the bb-rep CGI starts by
sending your browser a response of the type "multipart/mixed". This is
two html documents; the first one shows a "please wait while generating
report..." thing, the second is a redirect to send your browser off to
the actual URL for the final report.

Konqueror (from KDE, has some common code with Safari) does the same
thing, but does allow me the choice of either saving the response to a
file or opening it in the browser. If I select "Open" it works as it
should. Does Safari allow that ? Have you tried it ?

Regards, Henrik

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