[Xymon] xymon-rclient

Jeremy Laidman jlaidman at rebel-it.com.au
Wed Aug 6 22:18:51 CEST 2014

On 07/08/2014 5:14 AM, "Simioni, Rodney" <rsimion at transunion.com> wrote:

> The actual wget call is:
>  wget --post-file=SentinelCompReport.xml --header="Content-Type:
text/xml" --header="SOAPAction: \"http://tlo.com/ComprehensivePersonSearch\""
-O - http://<some vip>/BobService.asmx

> On the previous email, I put 'xxx.com' instead of tlo.com in the wget
call because I didn't want to broadcast my domain name to the world

Sorry, I didn't mean to "out" you. ;-)

> but I don't mind anymore -- so every wget call with have "
> but on the last http url call it should have the vip of where I'm sending
this xml to; for example "http://vip from bb-host file/BobServices.asmx"

Ah, I see.

> From your script, it said "wget ... --header="SOAPAction: \"http://$1/ComprehensivePersonSearch\"
-O - http://$2/BobService.asmx" But I'm guessing since we don't need to
change the url for "http://tlo.com/ComprehensivePersonSearch\"
> we don't need the $1, correct?


> Also, your script indicated "$BBHOME/bin/bbhostgrep foo | while read IP

The labels "IP", "HOSTNAME" and "OTHER" are labels used by the "read"
command.  What "read" will do is to read one line from stdin and split it
on whitespace into 3 variables. (The output from the bbhostgrep command is
piped as stdin to the while loop to appear, one line at a time, as input to
"read".)  The 3 variables are dynamically created as per the names (ie $IP,
$HOSTNAME and $OTHER). We use OTHER to catch the rest of each line.

To understand a bit better, try this:

echo "a b c d e" | while read X Y Z; do echo "[$X][$Y][$Z]"; done

Then this:

cat /etc/hosts | while read X Y Z; do echo "[$X][$Y][$Z]"; done

> but HOSTNAME is not what I have defined in bb-hosts, I'm using aliases;
for example, is mapped to alias called server1 so I can't use
> the alias for HOSTNAME because this command won't work "$BB $BBDISP
"status $HOSTNAME.$TESTNAME $COL `date` $MSG", am I correct to assume this?

The value of $HOSTNAME will get the second word in the bb-hosts file. I
could have used X, Y, Z instead of IP, HOSTNAME, OTHER, but the code
wouldn't have been as readable.

> So, if my assumptions are correct, how should I correct this script you
wrote to reflect my environment.

I think you would just change the $1 to the domain in your URL. Something

    wget --post-file=SentinelCompReport.xml --header="Content-Type:
text/xml" --header="SOAPAction: \"http://tlo.com/ComprehensivePersonSearch\""
-O - http://$2/BobService.asmx

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