[Xymon] Content check question

Jeremy Laidman jlaidman at rebel-it.com.au
Fri Oct 11 01:38:57 CEST 2013

On 11 October 2013 08:14, Scot Kreienkamp <SKreien at la-z-boy.com> wrote:

> cont=http-content;\?userName=*****\&userPass=*****\&pcno=***;true

Firstly, there's a space after the IP address and the "/".  Is this space
in your hosts.cfg?  Spaces are not allowed in a "cont" clause.

Secondly, check that the URL is being sent as you expect it to.  Can you
check the web server logs, or use tcpdump/snoop/wireshark to view the URL
that was sent to the web server?  I wonder if the "\?" and "\&" are being
sent literally, because the escaping is not for the URL, only for the
matching regexp.  Try just removing the backslashes and see if it works.
 Alternatively, replace them with their URL-escaped equivalents ("%3F" for
"?" and "%26" for "&").

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