[Xymon] Running the Availability Report from a crontab entry

cleaver at terabithia.org cleaver at terabithia.org
Tue Jan 17 22:38:26 CET 2012

On Tue, January 17, 2012 12:13 pm, White, Bruce wrote:
> Hi all,
> I know I have seen some discussion on how to do this, but my searching
> the archive has come up with nothing.   Can anyone provide an example of
> how I would run the Availability report from a crontab entry, so I could
> produce a report automatically the first of every month for the last
> month?

>From xymonreport.sh:
"10 2 1 * * /usr/bin/xymoncmd --env=/etc/xymon/xymonserver.cfg
xymonreports.sh monthly"

..should be all you need (adjust your paths as needed). If you want to be
slick, drop versions of this into cron.daily/weekly/monthly instead.

Reports will be dropped into your webroot under /periodic.



This is what I do in my RPM (with paths):

## Install cron jobs for the xymonreports.sh script on the server
  echo "#!/bin/sh
# Run daily xymon reports

  exec $XYMONHOME/bin/xymoncmd $XYMONHOME/bin/xymonreports.sh daily" >

  sed -e 's/daily/weekly/' /etc/cron.daily/xymonreports >
  sed -e 's/daily/monthly/' /etc/cron.daily/xymonreports >
  chmod 755 /etc/cron.*/xymonreports

## Create destination directory
  install -d /var/www/xymon/periodic

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