[Xymon] Listening on Multiple IPs

Xymon User in Richmond hobbit at epperson.homelinux.net
Thu Nov 3 20:57:25 CET 2011

On Thu, November 3, 2011 14:23, Chris Ahrens wrote:
> Hi,
> My Xymon server has 3 IP addresses that I want to spread out my incoming
> status messages on.  I did not use the --listen so that xymond would come
>  up to use and netstat shows it listening on,
> but when I look at the network traffic 99.9% of it is on eth0.
> My client servers are using the dns entry of the Xymon server and dns has
>  all 3 IP addresses of the Xymon server associated correctly.
> Any suggestions of what I may be doing wrong on the client or server?

DNS will return all 3 IPs on a query, and it's left to the client side
which to use.  Most often the first one is used.  "Round robin" DNS
servers will alternate the order of the 3, but that still leaves a lot of
room for locking in on a single address by multiple clients.  You could
set up different names for the IPs and bind groups of Xymon clients to
each to spread out the load, I think.

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