variables in hobbit-alerts.cfg

Rob McBroom mailinglist0 at
Mon Sep 20 22:09:59 CEST 2010

So I have a fancy new mail filter script that allows me to send mail to admins+servername at in order to reach the people responsible for servername.

I'd like to use this in hobbit-alerts, but I can't seem to find a way. It seems I can match on hostname (HOST=xyz) to decide where alerts should go, and I can get the hostname (BBHOSTNAME) inside of a custom SCRIPT, but I can't use it in the hobbit-alerts directly.

For instance, this

    MAIL admins+$BBHOSTNAME at

tries to sent the message to admins+$BBHOSTNAME at

Yes, I can do an external script, but I'd really rather not recreate the messages Xymon is sending out anyway just to change the recipient. Is there a variable that represents the hostname in the alerts file?


Rob McBroom

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