[xymon] RE: RHEL5 client

Buchan Milne bgmilne at staff.telkomsa.net
Tue Jul 27 16:50:03 CEST 2010

On Tuesday, 27 July 2010 09:48:48 Lennon, Padraig wrote:
> This might be of some use to people:

There are existing scripts shipped with the source (in rpm/hobbit-client.init 
or debian/hobbit-client.init), which reads the hostname from the 
CLIENTHOSTNAME variable in the relevant /etc/default or /etc/sysconfig file ...

If it doesn't work for you, please file a bug or submit a patch.

(Yes, it hasn't seen the hobbit->xymon change, but will soon, and probably 
needs some LSB headers too, which I will add soon)


> #chkconfig --add xymon
> #chkconfig --level 5 xymon on

Existing RPM packages supplied for RHEL5/CentOS 5 have the init script I 
mentioned above, and ensure the service is set to start at boot (in all normal 
runlevels, not just 5 ...).


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