[xymon] How to find that 1 host with no tests?

Thomas Eckert thomas.eckert at IT-Eckert.de
Fri Jul 23 13:22:31 CEST 2010


with the "hobbitdboard" you can list all hosts along with services, ...

So on the Xymon-/Hobbit-Server run the following (as monitoring user):
 	~/server/bin/bb localhost "hobbitdboard"
Your candidate should have an empty 2nd field.

Maybe the following works:
 	~/server/bin/bb localhost "hobbitdboard" | awk -F"|" '{ if ( $2 == "" ) { print $1 "is the one ;), service=\"" $2 "\""; }; }'



On Fri, 23 Jul 2010, Carl Melgaard wrote:

> Hi,
> So I've got this in my bbtest statistics: "Hosts with no tests: 1" - how do I find that one host? I've tried to track down "noconn" hosts and hosts with "" as IP - but cant seem to find it. Any way to debug?
> /melgaard

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| IT-Beratung Eckert  | Hartkirchweg 54          | fon: +49 (0)761/ 594 9898
| Thomas Eckert       | 79111 Freiburg i.Br.     | fax: +49 (0)761/ 594 9899
|                     | Germany                  | http://www.it-eckert.de/

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