[hobbit] DNS Test - No Record Lookup

Craig Cook Craig.Cook at carquest.com
Wed Sep 23 19:17:38 CEST 2009

>##############The bb-hosts file entry is as follows:
>page solaris Solaris
>192.168.X.X   solaris                                   # Name:"SOLARIS" dns nis ntp telnet pop3 pop3s imap imaps

You are not using FQDN.

Try (as the xymon user on the xymon host)

dig @solaris solaris

You may not be resolving correctly.  Confirm /etc/resolv.conf is correct

Try adding your domain to bb-hosts

192.168.X.X   solaris.example.com  # Name:"SOLARIS" dns nis ntp telnet pop3 pop3s imap imaps

Also try removing  ' Name:"SOLARIS" '  (I don't think that will matter though)

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