[hobbit] Magnification window problem.

Alan Sparks asparks at doublesparks.net
Fri Oct 16 21:57:54 CEST 2009

McGraw, Robert P wrote:
> I just noticed the following problem. I do not know how long it has had this problem but sometime in the past it was works.
> When I click on the magnification icon next to a graph the graph will pop up but the whole graph area is blue. It does not matter what the graph line color is it is blue on all the graphs.
> I am running hobbit 4.2.0 on SunOS hobbitserver.math.purdue.edu 5.10 Generic_120011-14 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-280R,
> I do not know how long hobbit has had this problem as I have not used this feature for a while, but it was working sometime in the past.

Recently upgrade to Firefox 3.5?
See if http://www.cornempire.net/2009/07/10/xymon-graph-all-blue/ helps
you any.

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