SMS Alerts

Kauffman, Tom KauffmanT at
Thu Mar 19 14:38:48 CET 2009

Here's what I do -
# cut the message down to 150 characters (allows spatch room for
# a security code on echelon pages

TEXT=`echo "${BBALPHAMSG}" | grep "&red"`
TEXTP=`echo "!BB ! - ${BBHOSTSVC} [${ACKCODE}] $FIXED- ${TEXT}" | paste -sd" " | cut -c 1-150`

The grep for &red pulls out only the lines in alphamsg that have a 'red' indicator - for tests like procs or oratab that have multiple lines. The "!BB!" is a holdover; I don't remember why we did it. "FIXED" will be null ("") or "FIXED" depending on the $RECOVERED value - and the entire message gets cut to the first 150 characters (our current paging package puts in it's own acknowledgement code at the start of the message). The paste -sd" " converts the newlines into spaces before the cut process.



From: Jarrod Hodder [mailto:Jarrod.Hodder at]
Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2009 12:18 AM
To: hobbit at
Subject: [hobbit] SMS Alerts


I am trying to get a custom message sent from Hobbit via sms.
All I want is the hostname with a short message sent after it.

So far I have

echo "${BBHOSTNAME:0:160} cpu is red" | gnokii --sendsms 1234567890

I am using gnokii as the gate way.
I think my variable is what is causing the problem, can someone see where I have gorn wrong?

Jarrod Hodder

Paradigm Management Group
110 Livingston Avenue
Kambah, ACT 2902

1300 735 370

Jarrod at

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