[hobbit] Multiple Critical Systems View - possible?

mario andre rower.master at gmail.com
Tue May 13 17:05:53 CEST 2008


I do another "all non green view" with the bbcmd utility:
on cron:
*/2 * * * * /home/bbmon/server/bin/bbcmd
--env=/home/bbmon/server/etc/bb3.cfg /home/bbmon/server/msc/gera_msc_bb3.sh

cat gera_msc_bb3.sh

export BBHOME
. $BBHOME/etc/bb3.cfg
sleep 2
#echo $COLOR1
/home/bbmon/server/bin/bbgen --report --subpagecolumns=2 --template=msc
bb3.cfg is a copy of hobbitserver.cfg that you have to modify:
BBHOSTS="$BBHOME/etc/bb3msc" --> #this is a bb-hosts file only with the
hosts for team Oracle for example
Hobbit pages - http://www.foo.com/bb



On 5/9/08, Everett, Vernon <Vernon.Everett at woodside.com.au> wrote:
> Hi all
> Here's something I would like to do.
> Is it possible?
> How?
> We have multiple teams, Unix, Wintel, Oracle, Apps, Security, etc.
> I want to set up a "critical systems" view tailored to each team, just
> like the current menu option, but only showing the systems relevant to
> that team.
> In the same way, I would like to do the same thing with the "All
> non-green view".
> The idea is that in every section, we have a large monitor, displaying
> only the critical systems issues for that team.
> And each team can acceess an "All non-green" view of only their own
> systems.
> Regards
>    Vernon
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