[hobbit] Reg Exp matching in hobbit-clients.cfg

Henrik Stoerner henrik at hswn.dk
Wed Aug 29 17:36:41 CEST 2007

On Wed, Aug 29, 2007 at 11:19:17AM -0400, Bill Matthews wrote:
> Greetings,
> I've been able to do some basic regular expression matching using the
> examples in hobbit-clients.cfg.
> For example, this works fine:
> HOST=%(server1|server2|server3).domain.com
> But this doesn't:
> HOST=%(server*).domain.com
> I'm sure I'm just missing the syntax for wildcard matching?

Yep, this one is a classic: "*" means "zero or more occurrences of the
previous letter", so when you write "server*", it means "0 or more
occurrences of letter 'r'". I.e. it matches "serve", "server", "serverr"
and so on.

You should use the "." wildcard character. Like

> Also is there a way to define a test for every server except some hosts?  I
> have a lot of tests I would love to put in the DEFAULT section, but I have a
> couple hosts that the tests would fail for.

Use the EXHOST setting, just like "HOST" but it excludes hosts - this
can be used with or without a HOST setting. E.g.

	   PROC cron

is a valid way of checking that "cron" is running on all hosts, except
those called "badhost<something>"


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