[hobbit] HTML Code in Alerts

Henrik Stoerner henrik at hswn.dk
Mon Feb 27 21:51:00 CET 2006

On Mon, Feb 27, 2006 at 08:58:57AM -0500, Chris Blank wrote:
> I am using server custom scripts that return HTML code to the hobbit to
> display.  One of which is bbmrtg!  I upgraded Friday to the latest
> snapshot because of another e-mail stating that it was patched in RC2.
> I am still getting the following:
> red Sun Feb 26 03:12:35 2006
> &red<A
> HREF="
> How can I get the Hobbit to send everything as HTML formatted e-mails
> vice text?

For the alert message, Hobbit just includes the text that was sent to it 
in the status message. So if you have a custom script like bbmrtg which
sends you an html formatted status, you'll get html in the alert.

If you prefer to get alerts as plain text, I'd suggest that you send
your alerts using an alert script - that will let you filter out any
html formatting codes you'd prefer to avoid.


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