[hobbit] delay creation of web pages

Frédéric Mangeant frederic.mangeant at steria.com
Wed Nov 2 09:38:16 CET 2005

bb4 at richter-it.net a écrit :

>Hi there,
>is it possible to delay the creation of the web pages in hobbit for a few minutes?
>The problem is that our customer is looking at the hobbit screen too and our suits are not very amused that he calls us instead of us calling him in case of an error.
>So management wants to delay the creation of the status pages in hobbit for a few minutes on the machine where the customer is looking at and on our internal machine everything should go the "old-fashioned" way.


I'm running bbgen twice (once for admins, and once for customers), with 
different templates.

Here's the task definition for customers's web pages :

        ENVFILE /BB/hobbit/server/etc/hobbitserver.cfg
        NEEDS hobbitd
        GROUP generators
        CMD bbgen $BBGENOPTS --report --subpagecolumns=2 --pages-last 
--pagetext-headings --recentgifs=60 --purplelog=/tmp/purple.log 
--noproppurple=NetBackup --ignorecolumns=info --template=customers 
        LOGFILE $BBSERVERLOGS/bb-display-customers.log
        INTERVAL 10m

These web pages get updated every 10 minutes. You just have to point 
your customers to http://yourwebserver/hobbit/customers ;-)


Frédéric Mangeant

Steria EDC Sophia-Antipolis

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