[hobbit] Same host on multiple pages

Gee Pee peter.welter at gmail.com
Thu Jul 28 09:08:54 CEST 2005

I divided our bunch of computers in several logical groups using one  
master bb-hosts-file, using (see bb-hosts-man page) include-files.  
The dispinclude (one word) could be read as "disp(lay) include". Now  
I have a page for each SLA (a page with Solaris, Linux, etc that  
build up a SLA), but I also have a view/page with the all Solaris- 
boxes only, Linux-boxes only etc..

The bbtest won't turn yellow anymore, if you have setup everything  
correctly using (disp)include:

include filename
This tag is used to include another file into the bb-hosts file at  
run-time, allowing for a large bb-hosts file to be split up into more  
manageable pieces.
The "filename" argument should point to a file that uses the same  
syntax as bb-hosts. The filename can be an absolute filename (if it  
begins with a '/'), or a relative filename - relative filenames are  
prefixed with the directory where the main bb-hosts file is located  
(usually $BBHOME/etc/).
You can nest include tags, i.e. a file that is included from the main  
bb-hosts file can itself include other files.

dispinclude filename
Acts like the "include" tag, but only on the BBDISPLAY server. Can be  
used e.g. to put a group of hosts on multiple subpages, without  
having to repeat the host definitions.

netinclude filename
Acts like the "include" tag, but only on the BBNET server.



 From the man-page:

Op 28-jul-2005, om 2:23 heeft Allan S het volgende geschreven:

> Hi all
> Have been using BB and now Hobbit for quite some time now and have  
> finally decided to start looking at breaking up some of our hosts  
> into multiple pages and sub pages etc.
> I've had a look through the man pages etc on how you go about  
> defining hosts in multiple pages. From what I can see you just  
> define it where you want and put a prefer tag against one of them  
> (of course I may be wrong but thats what I figured) It works fine  
> they both appear on both pages, but the bbtest goes yellow and says  
> host xyz is defined multiple times this may cause strange results.  
> Also not sure what happens when an alert occours.
> Can someone let me know if this would be the right way of doing it  
> as we have a few hosts that have multiple functions so we want to  
> make sure theyre easy to find in a few categories
> Cheers
> Allan
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