[hobbit] some larrd issues on hobbit 4.0.3 rc1

Henrik Stoerner henrik at hswn.dk
Fri Apr 29 23:41:01 CEST 2005

On Fri, Apr 29, 2005 at 01:27:49PM -0500, Kauffman, Tom wrote:
> OK -- I chickened out and haven't thrown the Big Red Switch yet -- but I
> have hobbit running (display functions only) on my failover system and
> most everything looks good -- except (there's that ugly word) my vmstat
> graphs for my AIX systems.
> Something is quite wrong, and I'm not sure what to look at.
> Here's what the vmstat bottom feeder ships out:
> aix
>  1  3 2342710   511   0   1   1 2249 14879   0 1964 11870 4215 15 11 31 42
> so cpu_usr is 15, cpu_sys is 11, cpu_idl is 31, and cpu_wait is 42.
> But the vmstat graph is giving me a system of 0.0, user 1670.0, and idle
> of 2347945.2.

I've looked over the AIX setup for vmstat, and it should parse this
output from the bottomfeeder OK.

Is this RRD file one that you have copied over from the BB/LARRD setup ?
If yes, do the graphs make more sense if you delete the file from
~hobbit/data/rrd/HOSTNAME/vmstat.rrd and have Hobbit re-create the file
(it does that automatically) ?

I'd like to have a look at that vmstat.rrd file to see if the problem is
one of different data-set definitions in the Hobbit vs. LARRD version.
I know the vmstat definitions are different on some systems, but I
cannot remember if I changed them for AIX also.

> Also -- I only get the vmstat graph for AIX - I'm missing vmstat0,
> vmstat2, vmstat3, and vmstat8. Where do I enable the graphing for these?

The data for them are being tracked, but by default only one vmstat
graph is shown. Add
"LARRD:*,vmstat:vmstat|vmstat0|vmstat2|vmstat3|vmstat8" to the entries
in the bb-hosts where you want these.

> And while I'm at it -- I need to disable the tracking and displaying of
> disk filesystem usage data -- virtually all my filesystems contain
> Oracle tablespaces and they are 100% full at the OS level shortly after
> creation -- so I can't see any reason to track them.

There's no way to turn off tracking of the data for disk reports (unless
you configure the client not to send them, of course).


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